Single-Payer Legislation
A misconception promoted by opponents to single payer is that it is “socialized medicine” or “government run” health care. Actually, single payer refers to a funding mechanism for health care where public tax dollars are redirected to pay private doctors, hospitals, and other private entities for providing care for individuals and families. It simplifies the billing system tremendously by removing the administrative hassle of who is responsible for payment and allows doctors and hospitals to concentrate on simply delivering the best care possible. By simplifying billing with the principle that “everyone contributes, everyone benefits”, single payer allows us to use the administrative savings to cover all American residents.
We are supporting the national single payer bill, It is funded by a payroll tax on employers and employees. Single payer offers the only realistic plan to control health care costs and also cover all Americans. Without a single payer plan, we will use a for-profit, private insurance model which has failed over 50 million Americans and left us with the most expensive health care system in the world, by far.
You can read much more about the national single payer legislation at and Physicians for a National Health Program at
We also support state single payer bills including a future Pennsylvania single payer plan for all Pennsylvanians. It is the most comprehensive health bill nationwide including all medically necessary care, including dental, vision, and long term care. It is also funded by a payroll tax and individual income tax. More information on the state single payer plan can be found at