About Us

Health Care for All PhiladelphiaHealth Care for All Philadelphia is the Philadelphia based organization working for single payer (“Medicare for All”) health care at both the state and national level. We welcome members throughout the region–not just Philadelphia.

We have been advocating for a fiscally responsible, social and morally equitable health care system since 1998. We are people from all walks of life, including doctors, nurses, social workers and other health professionals, union members, activists, and ordinary residents who want a quality, affordable health care system for all Americans.

When we were created, we were known as the Philadelphia Area Committee to Defend Health Care, but we have adopted the name, Health Care for All Philadelphia to be more closely aligned with Health Care for All Pennsylvania and other state based single payer groups.

We meet monthly and we welcome your participation. Join us in Philadelphia on the second Tuesday of every month at 7 PM. Check the link of our meeting location.Join our active and informative listserve here.

Contact Us

Email: PhillyHC4All@aol.com
Phone: 610-283-1404