New website for Health Care 4 All PA and SB 400

August 11, 2013

Many may not be aware that there is a state single payer bill in Penna, SB 400. It is prime sponsored by State Senator Jim Ferlo from Pittsburgh. At a recent Pittsburgh artists meeting, many artists who do not have health insurance filled an auditorium to hear Sen. Ferlo on how a state single payer system would work. Watch his two minute trailer.

Senator Ferlo on Single Payer

The state organization supporting single payer is Health Care 4 All PA. They have a new web page with lots of information about state single payer which would save the state $17 billion in health care costs according to an economic impact study by Dr. Gerald Friedman, a Professor of Health Economics at the Univ. of Massachusetts who did an independent study. Do you think the state could use another $17 billion?? Ask the School District of Philadelphia!

The new website is We need your support if you want to really fix our broken health care system.


Happy 48th Birthday Medicare

August 9, 2013

July 30 was the 48th anniversary of Medicare, the most successful and popular health program in America. It is based on the model of single payer financing and private health care delivery. A bill that would extend the principle of Medicare to everyone in America is HR 676, the Expanded and Improved Medicare Act.

On July 30, 4 constituents brought a Medicare birthday cake and visited Congressman Bob Brady’s district office to ask him to sign on to HR 676. After talking with his health aide and after some conversation, Congressman Brady decided to sign on to HR 676. We are grateful to the health activists who brought the cake and made the request!!

On July 30, 4 of us visited Congressman Chaka Fattah’s office and also brought a cake. We made the same request of his health aide and treated the staff to cake. Later this week, we are told, Congressman Fattah will also decide if he should support HR 676. If you live in his district, you can call his Washington DC office 202.225.4001 and ask for Brendon Cheney and ask him to tell Fattah to sign up for HR 676.

