Sicko press event and movie premiere : Health Care for All Philadelphia

Sicko press event and movie premiere

June 21, 2007

The wait is over. Sicko is being released this Saturday. Here is the list. Locally, it will be at the Ritz East and the Ritz in Voohees, NJ. Next week will have a wider distribution list. Sylvia Metzler, RN, CRNP who has seen the film on a sneak preview called me excitedly to say, “you have got to see this film”. It will make you laugh, cry, cheer, and finally demand that our country get a better health care system. Don’t miss this movie. Send this to all your friends.

On June 19, the red Sicko bus came and it was filled with nurses ready to promote the movie. They came from all over, New York, Calif, Illinois, etc. Very exciting.


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