First ever Republican controlled State Senate has hearing for single payer in PA
December 11, 2009
On Wed, Dec. 16 at 8:30 AM, an historic meeting will take place. The nation’s first committee hearing by a Republican controlled State Senate will hold hearings on SB 400, the Family and Business Health Security Act which would institute a single payer plan for Pennsylvania. The pro single payer speakers include Dr. Dwight Michaels from Gettysburg Family Practice who is a conservative Republican doctor who now supports single payer. The second Republican speaker is Dave Steil, Former State Representative from Bucks County and now a small business owner. The third speaker is Chuck Pennachio who is the Executive Director of Health Care for All Pennsylvania. All three are members of the Chamber of Commerce. The final speaker is Patricia Eakin, RN who is the President of the Pennsylvania Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals. If you are able get up early, please come to this hearing in Room 8E-A East Wing, Capitol Building. We need to support this revolutionary bill that will cover all medical, hospital, dental, and long term care services for less money than we now spend.
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