Jobs with Justice Health Care Action Day
May 11, 2003
Health Care Action Day
A march is planned from City Hall at 3:30 pm to International Blue Cross demanding
Come out and show your support for the millions of working people living without healthcare and raise your voice for justice!
For any additional information contact Fabricio or Reena at 215-735-3615.
About Us
December 31, 1999
The Philadelphia Area Committee to Defend Health Care is a group of doctors, nurses, health care workers, union members, activists, and others who are working together to build a health care system that guarantees accessible, quality health care for all Americans.
The Ad Hoc Committee to Defend Health Care is a national organization of health professionals who agree on five principles first set forth in a 1997 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association entitled “For Our Patients, Not for Profit: A Call to Action.” Those principles are:
1. The healing professions must not be diverted from their primary purpose: the relief of suffering, the prevention and treatment of illness, and the promotion of health.
2. Pursuit of corporate profit and personal fortune have no place in care giving.
3. Potent financial incentives that reward overcare or undercare weaken professional bonds, and should be prohibited.
4. A patient’s right to a health professional of choice must not be curtailed.
5. Access to health care must be the right of all.
The Philadelphia chapter has been working to promote these goals in the Delaware Valley since 1998.
Related Organizations
December 31, 1999
Philadelphia Jobs with Justice
Philadelphia Unemployment Project
Philadelphia Citizens for Children and Youth
Philadelphia Health Information College of Physicians
Action Alliance of Senior Citizens of Greater Philadelphia
Health Care For All Pennsylvania
Everybody In, Nobody Out
Families USA
National Coalition of Mental Health Professionals and Consumers, Inc.
Physicians for a National Health Program
Healthcare Now
Universal Health Care Action Network
Other States
Massachusetts Ad Hoc Committee to Defend Health Care
North Carolina Committee to Defend Health Care
Coalition for Wisconsin Health
Connecticut Coalition for Universal Health Care
Health Care For All (Maryland)
Health Care For All – California
Health Care For All Oregon
Massachusetts Campaign for Single Payer Health Care
Minnesota Health Care For All/Citizens Organizing Acting Together
Other Countries
Canadian Health Coalition
Share Your Personal Story
December 31, 1999
The Philadelphia Area Committee to Defend Health Care is a listed organization with the Health Care Problems Archive. By recording your story in the archive, both our group and similar groups will have access to request to use your statement.
The Health Care Problems Archive is dedicated to gathering information for the same purpose the orthopedic surgeon gathers information: to make possible diagnosis and treatment of a problem. Unlike the doctor, however, The Health Care Problems Archive does not attempt diagnosis or prescription. That’s left to the reader. The Health Care Problems Archive does the first part of the surgeon’s job. It collects information and assembles it for study.
You can participate in two ways. First, you can share your experiences of shortcomings with the current health care system. Your writing will be identified only by your state and your profession. No other identifying information will be displayed. Second, you can use the information collected on the site to explore how and where the existing health care system fails. Armed with that knowledge, you can more accurately determine ways to fix or rebuild the current system (remember, in a democracy we are all responsible for diagnosing and fixing systems that don’t work).
How To Join
December 31, 1999
1. Attend the next general membership meeting. The general meeting will be at Community College in the Bonell Building, Room BG16. The Bonell Building is just south of Spring Garden on the east side of 17th street. There is a plaza in front of it that is reached by going down a broad set of stairs (a ramp is available to the left for wheelchairs). A security guard just inside the front door should be able to direct attendees to room BG16. A campus map can be found at General membership meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7:00 p.m to 9:00 p.m.
2. Join our Yahoo group ( on-line and select if you would like to receive individual emails, a daily digest of emails, or individual emails. Optionally, if you would like to receive individual emails (be aware that this is a high volume list), and don’t want to sign up for a Yahoo ID, you can subscribe to the group via email.
3. Contact us or call for more information on how to volunteer (see address below). Please include your name, address, phone and especially e-mail.
4. Make a donation to support our efforts. No contribution is too small. Please make checks payable to: “HCAP c/o Phila PSR” and mail the checks to:
HCAP c/o Phila PSR
704 North 23rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Phone: (215) 280-3776
Contact Us
December 31, 1999
Healthcare For All Philadelphia c/o Phila PSR
704 North 23rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19130