The Single-Payer Solution: The Real Way to Universal Health Care”

January 10, 2008

Progressives for Pennsylvania is pleased to host:

Healthcare for’s first statewide conference:

“The Single-Payer Solution: The Real Way to Universal Health Care”

Agenda:: “The Single Payer Solution: The Real Way to Universal Health Care”; 3 Panels: Business Leaders, Healthcare Leaders, Legislative Leaders; Multiple Break-Out Sessions for Citizen Leaders (that’s you!)

Registration: 12n-1 PM with food and beverages provided

· Introduction: “How We Got Here”; Policy Overview Chuck Pennacchio (5 minutes)
· Keynote: Dr. Walter Tsou (30 minutes, including Q&A)
3 Panels:
· Business Leaders: Charlie Crystle (CEO Mission Research – 20 employees; Allan Jacobs (President of Isaac’s Restaurants – 700 employees); Mike Stout (President of Steel Valley Printers – 7 employees)
Moderator: Dr. Scott Tyson (Pittsburgh-based pediatrician, business owner)

· Healthcare Leaders: Gale Thomason (Water Street Clinic); Dr. Bill Davidson (Physicians for a National Healthcare Plan; Kate Loving Shenk (Nurse)
Moderator: Linda Beckman (Educator, Journalist, Activist)

· Legislative Leadership: Rep. Kathy Manderino (Prime Sponsor of HB 1660, Philadelphia); Rep. Barbara McIlvaine Smith (First Co-Sponsor of HB 1660, Chester); Candidate for State Senate, Cindy Purvis (Speaking on SB 300, Erie)
Moderator: Bob Mason (Lobbying Coordinator, Southwest Pennsylvania, Social Workers)

· Breakouts Sessions: Citizen Leadership (That’s You!) – topics will include: Organizing Grassroots & Democrats to influence Legislators; Organizing Business and Labor to influence Legislators; Organizing Medical Providers to influence Legislators. We will also touch on some combination of organizing tools, using the Internet and Email, SiCKO House Parties, petitioning, canvassing, fund raising, research, communications, and more.

· Closing Statement: Chuck Pennacchio: “How We Win This Year” (5 minutes)

NOTE: While the conference is free and open to all (including multi-milllion dollar health insurance and pharmaceutical CEOs), we do ask you to consider making a donation of any amount to help offset the cost of the event (

If you would like to attend, please RSVP (RSVP requested, but not required) by replying to this e-mail. See you in Lancaster!

The Single Payer Solution: The Real Way to Universal Health Care

When: Saturday, January 12, 1:00-4:15 pm

What: Statewide Single-Payer Universal Healthcare Convention (in support of HB 1660 and SB 300)

Where: Lancaster Host Resort & Conference Center, 2300 Lincoln Hwy E., Lancaster, PA 17602

Participant Bios:

Linda Beckman: a writer on healthcare and a professor of English Literature [at Arcadia University]

Charlie Crystle: CEO of Mission Research (20 employees)

Dr. William R. Davidson Jr. M.D: ; Cardiologist; President of the Good Samaritan Medical Staff; Lebanon, Pa.; member of Physicians for a National Healthcare Plan (PNHP)

Allan Jacobs: President of Issac’s Restaurants (700 employees)

Kathy Manderino: Democratic Member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for parts of Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties. Member of the Appropriations, Health & Human Services, Insurance, Judiciary, and Urban Affairs Committees. Ms. Manderino is the Prime Sponsor of HB 1660.

Bob Mason: a clinical social worker for 30 years, for the past 15 employed by a very successful psychological services practice that still can’t afford to provide health care coverage because of the insurance industry. As Director of Employee Assistance Program services he works with many small and medium size businesses and social service organizations.

Chuck Pennacchio: Chuck is history program director at The University of the Arts in Philadelphia, founder of Citizen Solutions for Pennsylvania, and recent United States Senate candidate (2006). A longtime advocate of publicly-financed, privately-provided universal healthcare, and organizing veteran of 34 years, Chuck lead-negotiated comprehensive health benefits for thousands of working graduate students while at the University of Colorado. A native of Delaware County, resident of Bucks County, husband of 16 years and father of two school-age children, Chuck sees the state-level, single-payer healthcare question as the “tipping point” opportunity capable of triggering dramatic turnarounds on numerous fronts (social, economic, legal) and at all levels (local, national, and international).

Cindy Purvis: A founding member of the Lake Erie Alliance for Democracy, which has the adoption of a single-payer health care system as one of its primary goals. She is a 2007 Fellow with the Center for Progressive Leadership. Ms. Purvis is a candidate for the Pennsylvania Senate in the 49th District.

Kate Loving Shenk: A Nurse and Nurse practitioner for 24 years. Currently a Labor and Delivery Nurse. Also an active blogger and writer of 3-books dealing with healthcare reform distributed globally via the internet.

Barbara McIlvaine Smith: Democratic member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for part of Chester County. Member of Aging & Older Adult Services, Children & Youth, Education, Health & Human Services, and Local Government Committees. Ms. McIlvaine Smith is a co-sponsor of HB 1660.

Mike Stout: President of Steel Valley Printers (7 employees)

Gale Thomason: Executive Director of the Water Street Clinic which provides free medical and dental care to more than 2,000 uninsured homeless and formerly homeless residents of Lancaster, Pa. Gale is also a nurse of 32 years

Dr. Scott Tyson: Dr. Tyson is a Pittsburgh area pediatrician and a strong advocate for a single-payer healthcare system.

Walter Tsou, MD, MPH: was appointed Health Commissioner of Philadelphia in April 2000. Prior to his appointment, he was Deputy Director for Personal Health Services and Medical Director of the Montgomery County Health Department from 1991-2000. He was formally Clinical Director in the Division of Ambulatory Health Services for the Philadelphia Department of Public Health. He has extensive experience in public health and currently serves on the Executive Board of the American Public Health Association and the National Board of Physicians for a National Health Program. In Philadelphia he has served on the boards and committees of the Maternity Care Coalition, the Philadelphia HIV Commission, Bridging the Gaps, the Asian American Health Care Network, and the United Way of SE Penna. Currently, Dr. Tsou teaches healthcare policy as several universities in Pennysylvania and he is now the go-to guy for Congressman John Conyers (D-MI), author of single-payer-based HR 676 (“The National Health Insurance Bill”) who endorsed our own HB 1660/SB 300 (“Family and Business Healthcare Security Act”) in April, 2007, as the “single best means to achieving a national solution to our healthcare crisis.”